The Black Dahlia Murder The Black Dahlia Murder - Widowmaker

You're locked in my sights
And it'd be my delight
To blow your head clean off the neck where it rests
As you'll see that I do specialize
In a one-shot surprise a sniper they've called me the best
You'd suggest I'm a cold hearted man
Well it's a cold hearted world
And besides if you'd open your eyes there's always been demand to be met
Need someone destroyed? I'm gainfully employed
No mark is too sordid no victim too close
I am death
I profess I've a cold hearted plan to ingress from this cold hearted life
While the competition rests I am obsessed
Exacting success one mark at a time
Killing is my business and at my business I excel
By silenced gun or silver blade it's the shock on their face as I send them
Screaming to hell
Succinctly my conscience is clean
Though truly this work is a mess
To silence I've sworn this heart doth not mourn
Emotionless to no God I'll confess

Largely but a ghost to them, most won't see me at all
A red dot centered patiently where the spine does meet the skull and they're gone
Killing is my business and at my business I excel
By silenced gun or silver blade it's the shock on their face as I send them to hell
Crimes of lust a sworn revenge reclaiming what's been lost
Adulterers extortionists all pains I'm paid to stop
They call me the widowmaker